Decco by Party Up Productions Helps Morgan Stanley Kick Off Fiscal Year

Decco by Party Up Productions had the pleasure of working with the Morgan Stanley Western Long Island Complex to help them kick off the fiscal year. The event was held at The Carltun located in East Meadow, NY and featured special guest speaker, Brian Cashman, GM of the New York Yankees.

This was a special event for the Morgan Stanley Western Long Island Complex. Decco by Party Up Productions was tasked with transforming the conference room into a awards ceremony presentation.

Working with Morgan Stanley was a great opportunity that we at Decco by Party Up Productions didn’t take lightly. We gave our full attention to their event and it went flawless. All of their patrons enjoyed the dinner evening and were fully immersed in Brian Cashman’s presentation.

– Jason Bencivenga

The first task was to build the main stage and surround it with pipe and drape. After the stage was created, Stage Lighting and LED Up Lights were set to illuminate the stage and create a colored atmosphere. To finalize the setup, the podium, microphones, speakers, and projectors were added creating a multimedia experience for the pons.


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